At 01:38 PM 12/3/01 -0600, you wrote:
>On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 09:27:51AM -0800, Ben Ocean wrote:
> > At 11:09 AM 12/3/01 -0600, you wrote:
> > >On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 07:20:39AM -0800, Ben Ocean wrote:
> > > > I have an older version of python being called from /usr/bin/python 
> that I
> > > > want to update to the newer version. Both are installed and 
> operational.
> > > > How do I proceed?
> > >
> > >rpm -qf /usr/bin/python.
> >
> > Yep. Python-1.5.2
> >
> > But I've already *installed* the new package (Python 2.1). I did it from
> > source. Should I rebuild it? Or is there some easier way to simply edit 
> the
> > path?
>For starters, don't lie to rpm.  If you don't want python-1.5.2, do an rpm -e
>on the package. Then, I would probably do a soft link from wherever you
>installed your new version of python to /usr/bin, or else you'll have to
>change all your shell scripts.

[root@hermes /root]# find /usr -name "python"
[root@hermes /root]# type python2.1
python2.1 is /usr/bin/python2.1
[root@hermes /root]# rpm -qa|grep python
[root@hermes /root]# rpm -e python-1.5.2-27.6.x
error: package python-1.5.2-27.6.x is not installed

>Alternatively, if you're running a recent Red Hat release, grab the rawhide
>rpm package from Red Hat and update from it using rpm -Fvh.  That way every-
>body should be happy...

Doesn't this assume that I install python2.1 from the rpm? As I recall, 
there was some sort of problem with python1.5's installation, or something 
I did subsequently, and I know there's a problem with rpm on my box. I just 
got brave and daring and moved
then did a symlink from
summoned python and all seems to be well. I just restarted my Zope app 
(which runs on python2.1) and all is well, so I guess I lucked out. 
Comments if I did something I will later regret, otherwise thanks!

>         .../Ed
>Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
>Redhat-list mailing list

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