On Sat, 8 Dec 2001, Fernandez wrote:

> I have been trying to post a client Web page in an Apache server,"you
> don't have permission to access /~userxx in this server" message is
> returned by the server. The following steps was follow and tested:
>       -public_html dir was created(755) and user's index.html placed
> under user's home dir.
>       -httpd.conf file was check, and <File ~> directive was check and
> follows Apache config recomendation.

By default, user home dirs are created with permissions of 0700 in Red Hat 
Linux.  In order for the web server to access their public_html directory, 
they must change their home dir permissions to at least 0711:
chmod 0711 ~

If I had a dollar for every brain that you don't have,
        I'd have one dollar. - Squidward to SpongeBob

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