On Sat, Dec 08, 2001 at 11:21:36PM -0500, Anthony E. Greene wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Fri, 7 Dec 2001, fred smith wrote:
> >if you can do those things, then it should be possible to print to it
> >if you hold your tongue just exactly right :^). The advice given you
> >by a previous poster looked reasonable to me, except that not being
> >familiar with that particular printer I don't know if it understands
> >PostScript (as the previous poster said) or not. I print to several
> >HP LaserJets at work, but they all use PCL5 command language, not
> >PostScript.
> The HP4550 understands PostScript. I found this out after diffing around
> for hours trying to find a Linux/UNIX driver at the HP web site. I finallt
> read something that implied tht the thing understood PostScript. So I
> tried it and it works just fine. I love Postscript printers; they make life
> simple.

Yeah, that's why I bought one for my house. I got tired of fooling with
trying to make my old Canon printer work **well**. Found someone who had
a bunch of new Lexmark Optra40 printers (long discontinued) for $139, 
bought one and haven't looked back! No way can I afford a HP Laserjet. 
While the Lexmark's PS engine is a bit slow, it works great. 

---- Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----------------------------
                      The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, 
                    keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
----------------------------- Proverbs 15:3 (niv) -----------------------------

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