At 12:17 PM 12/11/01 +1100, Edwin Humphries wrote:
>We have a low volume ADSL connection to our three-client home office
network, run 
>through a RH 6.2 server. We have ntop running to monitor network traffic,
and the 
>ISP is warning us (using some rather suspect tools) that in a week we have
>our month's allocation. Although I can move to the next plan up, which
doubles the 
>allocation, even this would be inadequate, and to get a plan for the
claimed usage 
>would be prohibitive. Although I don't have a problem with legitimate
office use, 
>some of the ankle-biters are downloading MP3s, movies, and staying logged
on to 
>hotmail, MSN messenger and ICQ for long periods of time - I suspect this
is where 
>most of the traffic is going.
>So: is there a way that I can allocate a certain amount of the monthly
traffic limit 
>to various logged-in users? In other words, person A logged in on machine
1 (an NT4 
>client) has a defined traffic limit for the month?

Assuming your RH 6.2 server is your router, then yes it's possible, but I
suspect you will need to upgrade your kernel and some packages. Kernel 2.4
has a much more powerful netfilter, with (among other things) support for
rules that match only a certain number of packets in a certain period of
time, this means you can build logical structures like "forward traffic
from if we've seen less than X packets in that direction today"
into your router. You may find it easier just to upgrade to RH 7.1 or 7.2,
but it is certainly possible to get iptables etc. working on 6.2 with a
2.4.x kernel.

IMHO hard monthly limits are probably a bad idea, a person may become
really annoyed if they tried to download a 1.7gb file on the 2'nd and then
can't even get e-mail until the end of the month, I would suggest that you
concentrate on limiting overall daily bandwidth usage instead.

Usually the culprit in these cases is going to be large file transfers
(downloads using a web browser or ftp client, or plus peer-to-peer stuff
like napster and ICQ). You need to try to get on top of the situation,
often on a per-program basis. It's probably a good idea to block the ports
used by IRC, Napster, Gnutella and the like in the workplace, and to limit
the speed of ICQ file transfers

It's also very helpful to force all HTTP/FTP traffic to pass through a
Squid proxy server, set not to refuse to download certain files, or to
throttle the speed of downloads based on file size or filename.
The cleanest way to do this that I'm aware of is to make the Squid HTTP
proxy transparent (so all HTTP traffic passes through it without any
browser settings) and then simply disallow outgoing FTP traffic unless
they're using the proxy server (AFAIK it's not possible to make Squid into
a transparent FTP proxy). That way you (or your tech support staff if
you're lucky enough to have one) only have to deal with "my FTP client is
broken" complaints rather than "my browser is broken" everytime somebody
does a re-install.

Squid is fairly easy to setup and well documented. Per-user and
per-connection bandwidth limiting is a bit more complex, I'd suggest
reading the Net-HOWTO 
and Advanced Routing HOWTO
For a good understanding of the subject, but you can get a good cookbook
for what you actually want from the Bandwidth Limiting HOWTO at
It talks a bit about Squid as well (although I don't entirely agree with
the author). To keep RPM happy you should get the ip command from the
iproute RPM (available for RH 7.x) and cbq from the somewhat annoyingly
named shapecfg package, as opposed to grabbing tarballs as suggested in the
I'm not sure whether Redhat's Squid package has delay pool support by
default. They tend to have an "everything-but-the-kitchen-sink" attitude,
and they include sample delay pool config in the default squid.conf file,
so I would expect that it does (I don't pay for bandwidth so I've never
wanted to use it). If it doesn't support delay pools then I'd suggest you
download the latest squid source RPM that works with your OS (presumably
from the RH6.2 updates SRPMS section, but it might be in Powertools 6.2),
tweak the make file and/or scripts to enable delay pools, and then build
and install a new Squid RPM.

Hope some of this was helpful.

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