On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 01:51:00PM -0600, Justin Ellison wrote:
>       Today marks the day that I find a new email client.  Mozilla 0.9.6 just ate 
> of my Inboxes without a trace.  Evolution has done the same to me before.  I 
> think I want to go with a more basic client, pine, mutt, etc.  I have about 4 
> mail accounts all setup with an ISP using IMAP access.  What's everyone else 
> using for reading IMAP mail?  It seems as though mutt supports it, but it looks 
> pretty new.  Pine supports it, but how well?  Is fetchmail a better option?

I use both Evolution and mutt to read IMAP mail on my local IMAP server.  I use
procmail to file the articles into separate folders, and access it all via 
IMAP. Works fairly well.  I happen to be replying to this particular message
via mutt but if I waited until I got home, I'd be reading it via Evolution.

I have not yet made any effort to synchronize address books...  Evolution gets
its addresses via the pilot stuff from my Palm.  One of these days I'll spend
some time to extract it from Evolution and import it into a format that mutt
can read.

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA

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