> You also have
> to config the Windoze box not use use encrypted passwords, otherwise Samba
> won't work.  I'll have to dig those instructions out of my email.

There is a win* regedit file that comes with the samba distro, just 
run it on the windoze box to update the registry to use plain passwords.  OR, 
I think you can set an option in the [global] part of the samba conf file so 
that it reads encrypted passwords from the clients.  

>.............Windoze boxes, they are not allowed to 
>mount each other :-)

Bloody good job, don't want them breeding


RE: Re: Linux domain. 
On Friday 14 December 2001 20:25, you wrote:
> >I have a Redhat 7.0 box set up.  the host+domain is zeus.dconsulting.com
> >
> >It's on a private network and that machines does not see the internet at
> >all.
> >
> >I want to make it so windows 98 has to log into the RH box as a
> >server/client network.
> >
> >What would I have to do in windows and linux to make it so that linux is
> > the domain server.    Is it just Samba in linux that would do that, or do
> > I have to set something in the network settings.   I assing static IP's.
> >
> >Zeus (the redhat box) is
> >Hercules (98 box) is
> >right now on a p-t-p network the workgroup is olympus.
> >Michael S. Dunsavage
> The simple answer to your question is yes.
> As an example, as you can see from my .sig, my domain is vidiot.com,
> which is on the internet via DSL.  I have two Windoze 98SE boxes on my
> internal net.  The Linux box has two ethernet cards.  One for the outside
> and one for the inside.  I have one of the 98SE boxes configured so that it
> will get to the outside via the Linux box and box Linux boxes mount four
> different filesystems/directories from the Linux box.  As you figured,
> Samba is used as the mechanism for allowing the mounting.  Because I
> do firewire stuff on the Windoze boxes, they are not allowed to mount
> each other :-)  I just transfer stuff to the Linux box and then copy it to
> the other Windoze box.
> I use firestarter to do firewalling with iptables and it also starts
> ipmasqerading(spelling?), which allows the PeeCee to get to the outside.
> Each of the boxes are assigned IP addresses by me.
> You MUST download the latest version of Samba from the official site and
> compile it.  The version that comes with RedHat is busted and does not
> work correctly.
> BTW, each of the Windoze boxes can print to the HP PostScript printer that
> I have attached to the Linux box, via Samba.
> If you wanna see my Samba config file, I can post it here.  You also have
> to config the Windoze box not use use encrypted passwords, otherwise Samba
> won't work.  I'll have to dig those instructions out of my email.
> Once I got the latest version of Samaba running with RH 7.1, it connects
> extremely fast at Windoze bootup and just keeps on tickin'.  I had a
> Hell-uv a time getting Samba to connect with the Windoze boxes under the
> older version and 6.x.  It refused to work under 7.1.
> MB

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