> I have received a RH6.1 with two nics. How can I tell if RH is
> configured to route packets between the two interfaces or not.

The 'route' command usually gives most of this info.

> Secondly, although both the system clock and the hardware clock 
> show the correct time, file creation times are always six hours 
> in the future (which corresponds to UTC). How do I correct this?

Well, what I do on this system is: hardware clock is set to GMT (I'm 
GMT-5). Then, my /etc/sysconfig/clock file looks like this:


Which basically, at boot time, offsets the hardware clock based on the 
ZONE defined. Time works great. Daylight Saving Time rollovers back and 
forth work great. Time and date stamps work great. Only thing is that 
sometimes services log in GMT, but that's unrelated.


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