On Tue, Dec 18, 2001 at 08:38:15AM +0000 or thereabouts, Ian Truelsen wrote:
> Has anyone had any success with dictation software for Linux. I am looking 
> into ViaVoice. Has anyone used this? Does it work well? Are there any other 
> ones that I should be looking into? 

Yes, I have used ViaVoice for Linux for quite some time now, since it
first came out, and have been in VR for about 10 years,  and have been
able to even port over speciality winders vocabs, i.e. legal and medical
without a problem.  It works quite well.  However, I have not used it in
RH, but will be installing it over the holidays, as I am just moving to
the RH distro.  I do know it works, but unsure above v7.2.  On the IBM
site, in the section for ViaVoice for Linux, there is a section
regarding a mail list for users.  

Ahh, here it is viavoice mail list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
Just join the list, and your questions will be answered by other users
and IBM VV engineers.. As of this time, I know of no other VR companies
who have a version for Linux.  BTW, VV, or Dragon, or any other VR will
not work in VMWare either, as the sound in VMW still does not allow for
recording, just playback.

Best regards,

Today's thought: If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you've never tried 

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