Hi Janyne,

On Thursday, December 20, 2001, 10:11:27 AM, you brought forth from the 
deepest reaches of your consciousness:

JK> I have two quick KDE questions:

JK> - Is there a way to stop KPersonalizer from running when new accounts
JK> are logged into for the first time?  (without having to update/create
JK> the ~/.kde/share/config/kdewizardrc file for every account)

I don't know about this one.

JK> - Is there a way to stop KDE from trying to mount CDs at startup (for
JK> all accounts) without having to edit ~/.kde/Autostart/Autorun.desktop
JK> file for each user?

Edit the one in /etc/skel/.kde/Autostart/Autorun.desktop

Then each new user created gets that as the default.

You may find you can use this technique to fix your above problem as well,
but I can't say for sure. "/etc/skel" is where you put all your "default
stuff to give each new user" stuff.

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe                     CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]              Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.
You don't have to swim faster than the shark...
You just have to swim faster than the people you're with.

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