On Fri, 2001-12-21 at 10:20, Chuck Mead wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 21 Dec 2001, Charles Galpin posted the following:
> CG>On Fri, 2001-12-21 at 08:07, John P Verel wrote:
> CG>> While upgrading to 7.2,  I first installed grub, had problems, changed
> CG>> my mind and went back to lilo.  I now have grum installed, but am not
> CG>> using it.
> CG>> 
> CG>> Is there any reason why I could not uninstall it?  It is taking up some
> CG>> good bit of space in my boot partition.
> CG>
> CG>rpm -e away. No harm can or will be done. I'm not too happy with grub at
> CG>the moment myself (that and XP, but that's another story).
> I'm curious... what's the problem with grub?

well.where to begin. Ok, from the beginning. 

I had install w2k and RH7.2 on my new laptop. All worked well, including
reistalling grub since I installed them linux, then w2k.

BTW, this involved doing a bit of reading about how to setup booting
other OSs, and identify partitons. So far so good. Seemed a bit
overkill, but worked.

I'm not sure why, but I'll blame my friend Tom (and the fact that in
some sick way the Fisher Price look and feel attracted me) I considered
installing windows XP on a spare partition I made by moving /home. Being
adventurous and not entirely happy with w2k I decided to do it.

Well, XP did it's thing and took control of the MBR. No prob, I booted
off my boot floppy, ran grub-install and rebooted.

Somehow XP booted instead of w2k when I chose the w2k menu (had not
added XP choice yet).

So, I rebooted and added a choice for XP. and tried to beef up my
existing config with options like hid/unhide/makeactive.

I tried to look for a tool that could verify my grub.conf before
rebooting, but found none. I wasn't worried since I had the boot floppy.

Well, when I rebooted, grub said it didn't like the partitions I was
referencing. So on the grub command line I tried a few things - hiding
and unhiding partitons etc. The grub shell is rather powerful and has
tab completion etc. It was after mucking around in grub that I found i
could no longer see my partitons!!

I tried to boot of the floopy and got a kernel panic. I booted off the
resuce  CD, and fdisk revealed all my partitions were gone except for a
little 32MB partition up front which dell puts on - it's partiton type
had been changed.

So, I'm not sure what went wrong, or who to blame, but I don't think
grub helped. I like to think this would not have happened with  lilo.

Again, XP was involved and I'm very suspicious of it.

Good thing it was a fresh install. :)


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