On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, Daniel BI wrote:

> Hi all!
> Cold anyone tell me how to downgrade the gcc 2.96 compiler
> under linux red hat 7.2 to 2.95 ?

The short answer is: Don't.

The longer answer is: Fix your code first.  In most cases, code that won't
compile under 2.96RH is broken code.  In order to compile and run stuff
distributed for your RH7.2 system, you will *need* the 2.96RH compiler and

If you really, really need to support the older compiler (I do), you can
install it separately (without RPM).  See below.

> I ended up messing my C libraries..

No surprise there.

> Anybody could tell me exactly what C related
> (cpp, gcc, gcc-c++, libstdc++, etc.. ??!!!) programs and
> libraries do I need in order to make it to work (compile) ?

You can add support for gcc 2.95.3 by grabbing the tarballs from
ftp.gnu.org.  Follow the install directions, but have everything
(compilers and libraries) install in /usr/local/.  Then you can
set your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to compile with the old gcc and link the
old libraries.  Finally, link *statically*.

> When trying to run .configure in order to build up MySQL 4.0,
> it says that it has gcc, c++, but it says that the C++ cannot
> build executables..

If you tried this after the botched downgrade, I'd suspect that that's
your problem.  Otherwise, not sure what to suggest here.  One thing is,
there are RPMs for MySQL4 in the Mandrake Cooker distribution.  Many
Cooker RPMs play well with Red Hat's distribution.

Did you try compiling with 2.96RH?  The docs at mysql.com suggest that
2.95.2 or higher should work.  Makdrake also uses the 2.96RH compiler,
so if there are problems, the Mandrake SRPMs might have patches you could

> A link to where to find them all at once (rpm preferrable),
> would also be great, but I can find them if I know what I
> need.
> I did some rpm -ivh --force because I had some version
> conflicts.. anybody can enlight me a little bit :) ?

Don't rpm --force unless you are very, very sure that nothing will break
as a result.  Especially avoid forcing installation of libraries.

                Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences

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