I'm stuck!  What's my best options at this point?

It took better than a month for the negotiation of Qwest and MSN to
get ADSL to my house.  It was nearly insignificant getting my girl's
WindozXP station hooked up to it but that is a different connection
than I would choose.  My dialup account used to furnish connectivity
to the internet over a home LAN but I have been unsuccessful in
getting Linux to communicate to MSN over the Arescom NetDSL800u modem
(MSN Broadband indicates is the exclusive modem type).  It appears
that the windoz box uses only DHCP to negotiate only the connection
available with that modem with the address to the modem at  Running allows the modem
to indicate the status of the connection which, now, always indicates
the ethernet connection is up as is the PPP (PPPoA), among other
status items.  This request must be posted from the
address otherwise there is no response from the modem.

I've attempted to connect another nic card to the modem's ethernet
connection using DHCP, from my Linux box, but never get a response
from it requesting from the address over a direct ethernet
connection (nothing else on the subnet).  I've upgraded to dhcp-3.0
and no dhclient.conf configurations have yet been successful.
Documentation of the pppoe indicates possible use of DHCP to establish
the connection and IP addresses, although monitoring (with ethereal)
the connection attempt for the WindozXP box never indicates use of
PPPoE or PPPoA PADR packets.  Arescom's web page for this modem type
indicates either is a connection option with this modem.

Any other solutions you can advise short of running lynx software on
the Windoz box to make it a server?

 Alan E. Derhaag                 New Era Software Development
 http://aderhaag.tripod.com/                    Auburn, WA, USA

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