Hey gang,

        I used to run a BBS (Speedy's Dilemma, if you care)...  I still have
all the software & (I think) the scripts too.

        The BBS could handle 10 modems/phone lines.  The BBS was also DOS
based.  It ran, and did it's own listening for the various modems.

        I would like to set up the BBS to run on a computer.  I would like
to have someone be able to "telnet" into the BBS and do all the same stuff
they used to be able to do.  I would like to have up to 10 sessions at

        Is it possible?


        My thought is to maybe assign 10 different ports, one to each serial
line, and go from there.  I suppose I could have my firewall forward
connections to an internal machine, but there's the question of how to do
this in DOS.  My 2nd thought is to run the BBS under dosemu (which I've
never had much luck with, BTW), and have it run on the server.

        Any thoughts on how to do this?


FYI:  The BBS is Wildcat! Multiline 10, v6

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