> "Ed Wilts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> "Joe Brenner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

> > Tyrone Khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I'm only a newbie in Redhat and I installed version 7.2
> > > after the the installation the system will reboot. After
> > > rebooting and I saw some files being loaded ..then my
> > > monitor went to dark and I've been stuck there, my
> > > friend told me to re-install it and I tried it over and
> > > over again to no avail can someone pls. help me about
> > > this

> > As a shot in the dark: The installation proceedure asks
> > you if you want to use the graphical or the text based
> > installer.  Try the text-based one.  Another shot in the
> > dark: it offers you a choice of boot-loaders, grub (I
> > think) and the older "lilo": try "lilo".  I suspect it's
> > better tested and works on a wider variety of machines.
> Bogus.  Grub is solid and has been shipped by Mandrake for a
> while.  It works.

If you say so (having been a Mandrake pick definitely helps
it's credibility).  That would indicate that my problem was
with the graphical installer.  

The reasoning behind dropping grub is that I was setting up 
a machine with two SCSI harddrives, working off of an oldish 
Symbios Scsi card.  It seemed at least conceivable that this 
configuration was a little too odd for grub to be working
with it. 

> > (My experience with installing: first time I tried
> > graphical/grub, it acted like it installed, but it
> > evidentally didn't put anything on the hard disk.
> "Evidentally"?.  

Yeah.  Tried to do an install (graphical/grub) and I thought
that it had worked.  Certainly I saw no error messages.
Then I repeatedly tried booting the machine, checking BIOS
settings and so on, but it kept acting like there wasn't
anything to boot off of the hard drive.  Someone suggested 
I try a text/lilo install, and it worked.  Notably, it took a
lot longer for the install to "finish", and in retrospect my
first attempt "finished" supiciously fast.  

> Do a ls /boot/grub and verify it.

Well, it's there.  The date on it looks the same as much of
the other stuff in /boot.  What does that prove?  I would
guess it was put there on my second install attempt (I did a
Custom install, I don't remember precisely what I selected).

> > Oh, and I've heard it suggested that you should stay away
> > from Ext3... evidentally some people are reporting data
> > corruption problems with it.
> And many, many more people are reporting that it's working fine.  Me
> included.

That's great, but it's not like I'm suggesting the majority
of users are having data corruption problems.  At the last
balug meeting, someone who follows the kernel list was
telling me that there have been problems reported there.  If
I get a chance, I'll go and try and look some reports up for

I'm definitely convinced that Ext3 should *not* have been
made the default for a *.2 release.  (Making it an option in
7.2 and possibly a default in 8.0 would have been fine by

> > (Redhat has a history of shipping with stuff that isn't
> > really ready for prime time.  This is one page they've taken
> > from Microsoft's marketing: they like to advertise
> > "features", even if they really need more work.)
> Of course evidence of this would be too much to ask and irrelevant to this
> thread anyway.  

Do you, or don't you want to talk about this?  It's relevant
because newbies need to understand that just because RedHat
is pushing it, doesn't mean it's going to work for them. 

If you want "evidence", the only thing I should need to say
is "linuxconf".  I would also point at the history of the
default window managers, e.g. AnotherLevel and Enlightenment

> Red Hat has a better track record than a lot of vendors.

Could be, I don't have first hand experience with any other
distros yet.  Debian sounds cool, and I get the impression
that Mandrake has their heads screwed on right.  

> They've screwed up here and there

Exactly, that's the point. 

>, but overall 7.2 is fairly solid with the latest patches.

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