At 10:43 AM 1/4/02 -0500, you wrote:

Good morning Chuck,

>The ip stack cannot use a name, it must have an ip address to choose a
>route. We humans prefer names so a host file can be used to provide that
>relationship so that the resolver can turn a name into an ip address
>(and ultimately a MAC address). This is not very different in purpose
>from what bind does but the host file method doesn't scale very well
>because it's dependent on a single file which would have to be passed
>around among many machines instead of a protocol (e.g. bind). So bind
>was created so we would have a scalable solution.

Exactly! Understand totally.

>So the host file and bind were created to solve the same problem, but
>one of them will scale and the other one will not. Where you have made
>your mistake is thinking that somehow bind uses the host file, which it
>does not.
Indeed that was my understanding. I have managed several Windows LANs in 
the past, but they've all had a Novell server at the top table, which 
provided local DNS as well as Internet DNS. I just thought that's the way 
it always was.

So, the $1million question still remains:

Let's play "Who wants to be a millionaire?"

"What single server-based authority function will satisfy DNS requests FROM 
other machines on a local private TCP/IP network FOR address of other 
machines on that local private network?"

IF not bind with hosts, then who?

Remember: we don't want a handfull of hosts file all over the place - 
that's what DNS was created to replace!

Is it :-
A Osmosis
B Bind with hosts
C Osmosis Jones
D Somebody else? <--- <--- <---

Computer, please take away three wrong answers !!!!

We'll wring this out in a minute, I know we will!

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