Title: Email Problems

Well, I continue to make progress on setting up a firewall and as is the case with all projects involving computers I have ran into another roadblock. I can connect to my ISP using a script (ppp, ran manually) that establishes the firewall rules. I can surf the web so HTTP seems to be working just fine. I can also send Email out using SMTP.

However, when I try to retrieve Emails from the POP server my email client (Balsa) gives me an error saying it is having trouble connecting to the server. This seems strange because I can see traffic on the network and modems (via the lights) and there is network traffic shown using a network monitor (its an applet that comes with RH 7.2). I have check the messages log to see if something is being rejected by the firewall but nothing is appearing in the log.

Since, I'm a relative newcomer to Networks and Linux I don't even know were to begin to debug the problem. I'm not even sure what information to include in this email to help others point me in the right direction. Any hints or pointers you can provide would be greatly appeciated.

Basic Facts:
Two computers, running Redhat 7.2
Each computer has one NIC connected to a hub
The gateway computer connects to the internet via PPP
The gateway computer is running a ipchains script from www.linux-firewall-tools.com
The workstation is using Balsa that comes with Redhat 7.2 for the email client

Thanks in Advance


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