We run an NT domain on a medium size network and I'm trying to set up a Linux samba server.  I'm a total newbie at this so bear with me. I've got the system up and running Samba 2.2.2 I can see the samba server in network neighborhood from my PC however I can't access it (I receive the error message "The network path not found").  I have added the Samba server to the PDC and joined the network using the smbpasswd it said it has joined the network, but now when I run the same command I get an NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED error.  I run nmblookup <nameofsambaserver> and it returns to me:
querying <nameofsambaserver> on
name_query failed to find name <nameofsambaserver>
However, when I run the nmblookup command on a machine on the network it finds it just fine. When I run nmblookup -B <nameofdomainserver> <nameofsambaserver> it returns this:
querying <nameofsambaserver> on <nameofsambaserver><00>
The ip address is the ip f the samba server.  I've got the remote access = which is the broadcast.  I'm running nmbd as a Deamon on port 137.  I'm running out of ideas and hitting road blocks now.

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