
I don't have any experience with the G400.  But I thought Matrox cards
worked really well with Linux.  We have several machines here with
Millennium IIs and G200s, and they work great.  In fact, I remember a
few years ago when the G400 came out, I read an article on the Internet
about how good Quake on Linux looked with the G400.  Have you tried a
different monitor?  That's the only thing I can think of at this point. 
I'm all tapped out of ideas.  Good luck,


Massimo Alonzo wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Jan 2002, Hidong Kim wrote:
> > Did you install Red Hat 7.2 fresh on this machine?
> Yes!
> > If so, XFree86 4 was installed, and the configuration file you're
> > using is /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.  You really don't need 32 bpp color
> > depth.  24 bpp will give you 16 million colors which should be fine
> > for most applications.
> Done!
> > The only thing I see in your Xf86Config-4 which is different from mine
> > is the View Port line.  This is what my file looks like:
> >
> >     Subsection "Display"
> >         Depth       24
> >         Modes       "1280x1024" "640x480" "800x600" "1024x768"
> >         ViewPort    0 0
> >     EndSubsection
> >
> >From "man XF86Config"
>  ViewPort  x0 y0
>               This  optional  entry sets the upper left corner of
>               the initial display.  This is  only  relevant  when
>               the virtual screen resolution is different from the
>               resolution of the  initial  video  mode.   If  this
>               entry  is  not given, then the initial display will
>               be centered in the virtual display area.
> >
> > Also, have you set the vertical and horizontal refresh rates as
> > specified in the monitor's manual?
> >
> >
>  They were already set.
> I still have problems and they're really evident when I use applications
> like nedit (grey background).
> Have you a Matrox G400?
> What do you think about the Beta Drivers for Linux from Matrox, I mean do
> they works ( I cannot loose my data)?
> Thanks
> Massimo
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