Now that I'm redaing my own post, I realise I didn't put my actual question in it.
Browsing FTP sites with IE doesn't work when the firewall is down (squid's still up) but downloading files from FTP servers ( for instance) is working allright.
It's as if browsing FTP sites is handled by the masquerading bit of IPtables, though I told IE to use the proxy server. I hope someone can figure this one out.

I have a strange problem: I have Squid 2.4 running, and an IPtables firewall, both on the same RH 7.2 box. The box acts as a router for 1 win box. When both squid and the firewall are running, I can access every FTP site I like. However, when I stop the firewall I can't reach any FTP site anymore. IE waits for about 2 mins. then it seems to reach the FTP-site, but then, after 30 secs., comes with a timeout message. When I start the firewall script again, everythings fine again.
IE on my win box is configured to use the proxy for all protocols.
Notes: The firewall is configured for masquerading (due to games not working through the proxy) and when i stop the firewall script the last two rules are:
iptables -F INPUT
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT

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