John P Verel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi.
> I do exactly what you want to do.  Here's the germane entries from my /etc/fstab:
> /dev/hda1       /mnt/vfat       vfat     
>user,owner,exec,dev,suid,rw,conv=auto,uid=500,gid=500,auto 0 0
> /dev/hdb1       /mnt/ddrive     vfat     
>user,owner,exec,dev,suid,rw,conv=auto,uid=500,gid=500,auto 0 0
> This works perfectly for me, under RH7.2, kernel as above.  Note that these
> partitions are automounted.  This may or may not be what you want.

I have tried these options for the Win98 d: but to not avail.  I
can mount the c: drive easily.  This is not the case for the d:
drive located on /dev/hda10

The message I am getting is:

type fs incorrect, option incorrect, superblock incorrect on
/dev/hda10 or too many files system mounted.

This is strange since with the same options I mount the c: drive.
The fs type is exactly the same for /dev/hda1 ( c drive ) and
/dev/hda10 ( drive ) 

I have

/             /dev/hda2
swap          /dev/hda3
/usr          /dev/hda5
/usr/local    /dev/hda6
/var          /dev/hda7
/tmp          /dev/hda8
/home         /dev/hda9

The win98 stuff is on ( this is not mounted automatically ):

/dev/hda1    /mnt/win98
/dev/hda10   /mnt/data

I have just reformated /dev/hda10 is case there might have been a
problem there. Everything looks fine on that side.

Any idea what is wrong?  

Dominic Mitchell

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