On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, Ryan O'Neil wrote:

>  Hello all, i am currently looking for an easy way to backup files with my
> scsi HP surestore. Is there a way i can treat this device as a hard drive,
> or floppy?
> If so what commands should i go MAN'n ? I would rather stay away from amanda
> and the like and just write scripts to do what i want using commands. Any
> help on this is appreciated.. Let me give you the big pic and perhaps you
> can give me some insite...
> I will be taking the files that need backing up from my ns1 ns2 web and mail
> server tar'n them up PGP'n them and sending them off to a backup server
> which is just an email server with security to let no one in cept those
> servers. This way i can have 1 email per server per day of its important
> files and having tons of history behind it as in days. I then want to tape
> backup my /var/spool/mail dir every day or whatever.. well the tape part of
> something i have never done before.. PLEASE HELP! ;)
> Any hints tips tricks idea's etc WELCOME... Thanks...

I haven't seen any responses to this, so here's my $0.02:

  - If this is a tape device, you cannot treat it as a floppy or hard
    disk drive.  It is not random access.
  - You should look at the man pages for "mt", "tar", "dump" and "restore".
    If this is a CD writer look at "cdrecord".
  - You should also look at device files (in /dev) to determine what the
    device file for your surestore.

Carl G. Riches
Software Engineer
Department of Mathematics
Box 354350                      voice:     206-543-5082 or 206-616-3636
University of Washington        fax:       206-543-0397
Seattle, WA  98195-4350         internet:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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