Hello Brett,

Wednesday, January 16, 2002, 3:28:41 PM, you textually orated:

BC> On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Brett Charbeneau wrote:

>>       The original box was a PIII 600 and the backup is a Pentium 200
>> MMX. I have an Adaptec 29160 in both the original and backup box. I
>> realized the original kernel was an i686 (doh! - no workie on 200MMX)

BC> *snip!*

BC>         I neglected to mention that RH was installed on this PIII 600
BC> originally - I am now suspecting that there are other i686 RPM's in there,
BC> although all the RPM commands I know don't display the architecture of the
BC> package, just the version...

Here's how to get all the i686 rpms.

rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE} %{ARCH}\n" | grep i686

Have fun,
 Brian Ashe                     CTO
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]              Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.

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