On Wed, 2002-01-16 at 23:06, David Talkington wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Bret Hughes wrote:
> >> >vi.
> >>     
> >> That's for old timers. These days, people want more than an old text
> >> editor like vi. That's why I switched to vim  ;-)
> >
> >I gave up on the old text based stuff now that I user real machines.  I
> >use gvim --reverse
> For the curious, Brother Hughes didn't mean that:
> d1-11:dtalk 448 $ gvim --reverse
> VIM - Vi IMproved 5.8 (2001 May 31, compiled Aug  7 2001 10:31:12)
> Unknown option: "--reverse"
> More info with: "vim -h"
> He really meant:
> d1-11:dtalk 449 $ gvim -reverse

you are absolutely correct.  

I still remember how excited I got when I found gvim. There iis a thread
in this or the shell-scripting list that documents my giddyness.  I am
WAY to easily amused.  

Speaking of the shell-scripting list I guess chuck locked down hie mail
server REALLY tight.  I can not longer post to it or sen him a mail to
complain about it.  I think it is because I use a sendmail server that
sits on my private ip network.  Verio handles incomming mail for us but
they piss and moan about sending it.  I hate to change because I like
having the "sent OK " in my logs if the mail  made it to the recipents
server.  Of course it may be a procmail rule that bounces all mail from
bhughes.* :(


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