I just installed RedHat linux 7.2 on my laptop. Install went great, I'm dual booting 
with Win2k & everything is perfect, except that my system completely hangs 
occasionally when its been idle for a while & the screen-saver is running. When it 
freezes, its a total system freeze -- laptop won't respond to pings, telnet sessions 
hang, mouse doesn't move, etc...

The hardware is a Micron PC TransportGX laptop, 256M RAM, std. config, no additional 
cards, pcmcia, etc...

The system also hangs in exactly the same way, when I attempt to install StarOffice 
5.2. I've tried this from an "offical" Sun CD as well as from the downloaded bin file. 
After you start setup & the initial screen comes up, any keystroke or mouse click (in 
or outside of the StarOffice setup window) will completly freeze the system.

I don't know if these 2 problems are related or not, but this problem does not exist 
with Win2k on the other partition. But I don't want to run windows...

I've completly updated the system with all current updates using RedHat up2date. I've 
disabled all power management settings in the bios & I got a tip from a post on 
RedHat's site regarding some instabilities in etx3 filesystems, so I reinstalled using 
only etx2 filesystems. Problem still persists.

Nothing is reported by syslog that looks suspect. I also ran strace on the staroffice 
setup program, but I'm not knowledgable enough to read anything useful from it...

Has anyone run into this type of problem? I've found several related posts on other 
lists, etc & the common denominator seems to be redhat linux 7.x - Haven't seen any 
fixes posted & nothing similar listed in Redhat 7.2 errata section...

Any thoughts on how to remedy this?



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