
It doesn't seem to run at all.  What's really strange is that when I try
to start smb from the command line, I see:

[root@ripley init.d]# ./smb start
Starting SMB services:                                     [  OK  ]
Starting NMB services:                                     [  OK  ]

It looks like everything's OK.  But then I immediately check the status,
and I see:

[root@ripley init.d]# ./smb status
smbd is stopped
nmbd (pid 7759 7758) is running...

There's nothing in /var/log/messages that gives me a clue.  This is all
I see:

Jan 21 00:05:54 ripley smb: smbd startup succeeded
Jan 21 00:05:54 ripley smb: nmbd startup succeeded

This is Samba 2.2.1a which got installed when I upgraded the machine to
Red Hat 7.2.  I wanted to install Samba 2.2.2 from source, but I got
this error during 'make':

/usr/include/asm/statfs.h:12: redefinition of `struct statfs'
make: *** [smbd/server.o] Error 1

Is this related to the existing installation?  If so, how should I wipe
out 2.2.1a?  Thanks,


Edward Dekkers wrote:
> > running.  I've tried restarting Samba every way I can think of, like
> > '/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start' and starting it from SWAT, with no
> > success.  Any suggestions on how to get it going again would be great.
> When you do this, does it run briefly then die?
> Or does it simply not start?
> Error messages?
> We need more here I think.
> What does /var/log/messages tell you about samba start-up when you try it?
> Ed.
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