Linux install on a simple machine should be easier that Windoze, but
apparently not on my computer. I remember Mandrake 7 was smooth as butta',
but Mandrake 8.1 won't simply install and now Red Hat behaves in the same

I have a Highpoint 370 RAID controller, but I disabled it in the BIOS, so it
is not even
seen. My computer runs a PIII 1 GB CPU, with 512 MB RAM.

IDE1 master : IBM 60 GXP 40GB (new, unparitioned)
IDE1 slave : HP9300 CD-RW burner
IDE2 master: Creative DVD drive
IDE2 slave : none

IDE3& 4 on HPT370 disabled.

Graphics : ASUS V7700 AGP (probed correctly)
Monitor : Sony Multiscan 420GS (probed correctly)
Sound : Soundblaster Live
Network : NIC1 in DHCP for cable modem connection, NIC2 static for LAN.

I boot from the CD (DVD drive or HP9300 burner), choose a very simple
workstation KDE environment, autoformat on an
empty drive, (50MB ext3 for /boot; 2000MB ext3 fixed for /; and 1024MB for
swap; the remaining 36000 are free space.

I choose GRUB, to be installed on the MBR, but LILO has the same problem:

Up to now install exited ~randomly telling me "abnormal install
termination - receiving signal 11", but since I skip X configuration, the
install process goes 99.5% normal until install completes, and I am prompted
to create a boot floppy. Although there
is a formatted empty floppy in the drive, I get a message "boot floppy could
not be created", and all I can do is "skip the floppy creation", after what
I am prompted to reboot. However, nothing appears in the MBR either since
"operating system is not found" as I reboot. (boot sequence CDROM / HDD-0 /

Alternatively, the installation crashed exactly as I try to create the boot
floppy, and I was able to capture the anacdump.txt to the floppy I had
prepared for making my boot disk...

Traceback (innermost last):
File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 61, in execWithRedirect
raise RuntimeError, command + " can not be run"
RuntimeError: /sbin/grub-install can not be run

I noticed a few tings in the "anacdump.txt" log (I will skip the normal
events, 99.5%). Apparently GRUB wasn't installed... along with some other
(critical ?) packages.

Do I have a bad CD ??? Any other idea ? I cleared the MBR a few times with a
win98 boot floppy (fdisk /mbr), and tried to install Mandrake8.1, which
writes LILO without problem to the MBR.

Any help very much appreciated !
Lorenzo Sandini

Installing modutils.

Installing ncurses.

unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/share/terminfo/a/att610-w;3c4b49fe:
cpio: read failed - Bad file descriptor

Installing info.


Installing grep.

Installing ash.

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.64424: grep: command not found

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.64424: grep: command not found

Installing dhcpcd.

Installing grub.

Installing gzip.

Installing tar.

Installing tcsh.

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.79131: grep: command not found

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.79131: grep: command not found

Installing textutils.

Installing dev.


Installing pygnome-libglade.

Installing qt.

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.50836: grep: command not found

Installing tcl.


Installing sane-backends.

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.59026: grep: command not found

Installing kdegraphics.


Installing bc.

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.26795: grep: command not found

Installing dump.


Installing wine.

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.78039: grep: command not found

Lorenzo Sandini
Kirurgian Klinikka
Kansanterveyden Tutkimuslaitos
Kuopion Yliopisto
70200 Kuopio
+358.17.162.940 (FAX)

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