On 16:56 25 Jan 2002, Matthew Melvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| >    2) What tools to you recommend. If procmail, what scripts to you use?
| I highly recomend spamassassin ... it's funtastic...
| http://spamassassin.org/
| I've found it's hit/miss ratio to be excelent.  It (optionally) runs in a 
| client server mode so can be quite light weight if you're filtering lots of 
| messages.

I can't speak for spamassasin, but I take the approach of agressively
filtering my email. Every procmail rule files stuff in folders (as you'd
expect). And anything not hitting a rule falls out the bottom and gets
put in my probably-spam folder. This is moderately effective - it gets
most broadcast spam (connect to SMTP server, supply lots of addresses
and 1 message and send) because it won't have _my_ address in the to/cc,
nor match my mailing list patterns.

That just leaves the targetted spam (or the spam sent to mailling lists),
and for that I just use the 'd' key. You may well want to reach for
spamassassin or its ilk instead.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/

The simple pleasures a man has to give up, just because he's President.
        - Lyndon B. Johnson, upon his prohibition by the Secret Service from
          urinating off the back porch of his Pedernales ranch house, 1965.

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