
I have a firewall/gateway box (7.2 with updates) which has been working 
properly for a while, albeit with a very simple configuation (masquerade 
anything out, let only ssh in). Now, I'd like to put sendmail on it but 
with two twists:

1. Tell sendmail only to accept connections from the internal IP's 
( and The firewall blocks connections from the 
outside, but defense in depth is good.

2. Set iptables rules to redirect *all* mail connections from the inside to 
the firewall's sendmail, then have sendmail make final delivery. A 
transparent mail proxy, if you will.

Can anyone comment on how I would do both of these? I'm getting very 
confused by iptables, and also not finding the right sendmail directive for mc.

Thanks, y'all...

Rodolfo J. Paiz

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