Set up an IRC server that lives behind the firewall.  Then, your users can 
DCC all they want.

On Sun, 27 Jan 2002, Jim Bija wrote:

> I have a RHL 7.2 box that is the gateway for a few machines. I wish to allow
> these machines behind the linux box to DCC and ICQ files back and forth.
> Everything works fine i think going out as the packets are originated from
> within, but as i remember people cant send me ICQ files or DCC files.
> Many many moons ago, someone wrote a module that was easily modprobed in the
> kernel, however this was was in the 2.2 kernel days and even in the 2.2 days
> redhat did something to not allow this module. So all of a sudden when i
> upgraded to (6.1 i THINK that module was "broke"). The workaround i was told
> to compile the kernel and turn on or off some switch i forgot. Anyway, i
> actually kind of gave up on the whole thing assuming after time redhat would
> "fix" their kernel so that module would work, BETTER YET make a module
> (which i HOPE exists, if so please tell me! ;) that will allow rhl 7.2
> machines to allow DCC and ICQ from machines on the internel network, behind
> the RHL 7.2 gateway (ip masq/nat whatever).
> Jim.
> PS* Im just looking for the easiest way to do this, module,ipchains,iptables
> i dont care. If that module exists i would be a happy man! Ive looked, could
> find nothing.
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