On 30 Jan 2002, Kevin Breit wrote:
>I had 3 different versions of Windows installed at three different
>times on my IBM ThinkPad iSeries 1300 1171-NM1 laptop.  The battery life
>was about 3 hours.  I have installed RH72 and noticed the battery life
>is down to about 1.5 hours.  Why the giant drop in life?

The GNOME and KDE desktops are both memory hungry. If there isn't lots and
lots of RAM, the machine will swap to disk often. Linux also tends to log
more things than Windows, and that's more disk activity.

Try minimizing the number of processes and using a lighter desktop/window
manager. XFCE and Blackbox are both good.

Anthony E. Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.pobox.com/~agreene/>
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Linux: the choice of a GNU Generation. <http://www.linux.org/>

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