On 30 Jan 2002, Jack Wallen wrote:
>thanks so much for the help. i'm having two small problems. the first is
>that it only works if i give the explicit name of the upgrade, i.e -

Oops! I'm used to using rpm locally. I had forgotten that HTTP requires a 
specific target resource.

You'll probably have to download the files using FTP or make them available
via NFS or Samba. If you're already running one of those services on the 
server, I'd recommend using it to make the new RPM files available.

You'll have to write a script to either mount the share (NFS, Samba) or
download the files (FTP). An FTP script is simply a file containing all the 
commands that you'd use with the commandline FTP client, ie;

  open myserver.mydomain
  lcd localrpmdir
  cd remoterpmdir
  mget *.rpm

You'd call the FTP script from within the shell script run by cron:

  ftp -pin < myscript.ftp

>and second - even if i successfully get it to update (by listing the
>exact file name) the content of the email messages is blank.

The 'v' option produces output, but it may be on STDERR instead of the 
STDOUT that I assumed. You'll probably have to concatenate them together 
using shell redirection. Assuming you use bash, the command would look like 

  rpm -Fvh /path/to/localrpmdir/*.rpm 2>&1 | mail -s Subject recipient

Anthony E. Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.pobox.com/~agreene/>
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