At 08:31 PM 1/30/2002 -0600, you wrote:
>>I'm trying to get a list of files 30 day sold or younger. I thought the following 
>would to the trick:
>>find . -type f -mtime 30 -ls   
>>But that only prints files that are exactly 30 days old. How do I do that "and 
>younger" part? 
>>Less then 31 days would be a suitable substitute too.
>>Jonathan Wilson
>Read the man page for find again.  It is described right there on the page.

Actually no, it was not in the name page - not that I could see. And I did read it. 
The best it did was:

       -mtime n
              File's data was last modified n*24 hours ago.

No mention of + or - there.

OTH, I did discover by reading the man page that there is an info page "info Finding 
Files" - and that proved quite useful. As I said in my Re: I did figure out, thanks to 
the info page, no thanks to the man page.

The following did the trick:

find /logs/ -type f -mtime +30 -name "*log.gz" -exec cp -p {} . \;

Jonathan Wilson
System Administrator

Cedar Creek Software
Central Texas IT

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