you'd think redhat would supply update cds at a reasonable cost...
saves them bandwidth and could even turn a small profit

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rodolfo J. Paiz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: updates not over the web

> At 1/31/2002 09:48 AM -0800, you wrote:
> >what if i was in brazil with a dialup or something?
> >downloading 1 or 2 hundred megs is a bit of a strain on my only phone
> >what do people do in this case?
> Yeah, rub it in why dontcha.
> (Just kidding.)
> Answer is, you're screwed unless you can find a friend who has dedicated
> Internet in his office or something. And in general you're still screwed
> since he's probably got 128Kbps for 20 people, and you have to leave a box
> downloading at nights.
> Laws of physics: there are X bits to send and you can move Y bits/sec,
> going to take X/Y seconds to move them all. The only route is to find
> someone who has them already or who can help you get them.
> When I was running an RH mirror, I only allowed 3 simultaneous users and
> each was limited to 50 Kbps at most; however, I made easily sets of CD's
> per month (including a CD with latest updates RPM's). So less than 15GB in
> traffic out, more than 50GB in ISO's out.
> --
> Rodolfo J. Paiz
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