> > > I have a php based webmail program installed on Intranet and also
> > > planning to install on Cobalt servers.Can anyone tell me how do I find
> > > out the CPU consumption for this app on Internet as well as on Intranet
> > 
> > Run the "top" program on your intranet server and look at how much CPU 
> > apache processes are using?
> It would also be relatively easy to write a PHP script that either
> parses the output of 'top' or reads /proc itself, then serves the info
> to a webpage.

Even better is to use MRTG.  I wrote scripts to monitor CPU usage, disk 
space, disk io, apache activity, postfix activty etc etc etc

| Peter Kiem            | E-Mail    : <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
| Zordah IT             | Mobile    : +61 0414 724 766    |
|   IT Consultancy &    | WWW       : www.zordah.net      |
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