On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, ABrady wrote:

> On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 12:18:11 -0100 (GMT+1)
> john-paul delaney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> implied:
> > Thanks... Sorry I wasn't specific.  I'm using the Vi editor in a
> > terminal (not GUI)... without a mouse.

> I led you into further explanation, but I'm far from a vi/vim whiz.
> Haveta leave that one to someone else.

According to the learning vi book, you could use named buffers..

"a  means use named buffer a

"ayw  <- yank current word into a

cw<esc> <- nuke current work (there has to be an easier way)

"ap  <- put the contents of a in place

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