Hi all,

I've a few questions on resizing fs/partitions, and I can't find answers in any docs 
or LDP. 
Please help!

Does the resize2fs tool work for ext3 filesystems as well?
    If not, what do I use?

Do I lose all the data in the partition by shrinking or growing it w/ fdisk?
    If so, how do I relabel the mount point after backing up?

What is a reiserfs?

Does anyone have better recommended sizes for partitions for the following:

~p/vol~  ~mount point~  ~full~  ~current size (use)~  ~new size/full~
hda15    /               8.9%      5GB                   1GB / 44.5%
hda1     /boot          36.2%     48MB                  48MB / 36.2%
hda6     /home           7.5%      2GB (40 users max)    6GB /  2.5%
hda13    /tmp            7.9%   1200MB                1200MB /  7.9%
hda9     /usr           62.5%      5GB                   9GB / 34.7%
hda12    /usr/tmp        7.2%    400MB                 400MB /  7.2%
hda8     /var            6.6%      5GB                   1GB / 33.0%
hda10    /var/ftp        5.8%      5GB (100MB/user)      5GB /  5.8%
hda14    /var/log        8.4%      1GB                   1GB /  8.4%
hda5     /var/spool      9.4%      1GB                   1GB /  9.4%
hda7     /var/spool/mail 5.7%      5GB (100MB/user)      5GB /  5.7%
hda11    /var/tmp        7.2%    400MB                 400MB /  7.2%
hda2*    /var/www        5.3%     20GB (500MB/user)     20GB /  5.3%
hda16    swap            ---       2GB (1GB RAM)         2GB /  ---

*hda2 is physically after hda4 on the disk; hda1 is first; hd5-16 are in order within 
hda4 on the

I was considering making / (8.9% full) and /var (6.6% full) a bit smaller, like 1GB 
each, then
putting the excess into /usr (62.5% full) and /home (7.5% full with 1 user -- me).  
It's a 60GB
drive, so you'd figure it would fit everything (except laptop) easily....

I'm getting really good at the installation part, but I'd rather try something 
different.  BTW,
why is this info not in HOWTOs or man pages?
Does anyone know of other good resources, aside from this list?



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