
I have a situation where I'm moving a web site off of a server running sendmail onto 
another server running postfix, but in the mean time there are still some processes 
running on the sendmail server that are causing problems.

The whole story is too long to post here, but basically, the old server had 2 separate 
domain/host names. One of them (the correct one) is getting moved to the new server. 
In order for mail sent _by_ the old server to get to the new one, I had to remove the 
old hostname ("gooddomain.com") from /etc/hosts. But now, it's sending out mail as 
being from the other (remaining) host name, which is causing serious issues, because 
now mail appears to be coming for the other domain, which we do not want - it still 
needs like have a from address of gooddomain.com (does that make any sense?).

So basically what I'm needing it to force sendmail to make the from address still be 
@gooddomain.com, but I cannot add that domain back to /etc/hosts, and also I can't do 
anything that would make sendmail think it's still oldserver.gooddomain.com (because 
if I do, any mail it send to old-domain.com will get trapped there, instead of being 
sent to the new server like it needs to..

So, is there a way to force the domain part of the sending address without screwing up 
the rest of the system?



Jonathan Wilson
System Administrator

Cedar Creek Software     http://www.cedarcreeksoftware.com

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