On Mon, Feb 11, 2002 at 10:57:12PM -0800, Steve Lee said:
> This is what i do at home.
> i do have wireless, have dhcp setup.
> however, dhcp is only setup to allow one machine to
> connect, my laptop, with only my mac address, to bind.
> so it only allows my computer to connect dhcp.
> others are all static.   i only use ssh, and of course
> browse the web at home.
> what do you guys think. ?
With wireless networks, some of the major risks are the ability for
someone to "sniff" your wireless traffic and the ability for someone to
"piggyback" off you internet connection.

To prevent sniffing, you can run the various encryption protocols
provided by your access point, e.g. WEP. Although it has been shown that
WEP is insecure and can be broken. Using ssh is definitely good as that
will be secure. Browsing the web does leave you open, although SSL sites
will give you some protection. Take note that checking your e-mail will
give away your POP3 name/password unless you're using some form of
secure authentication or tunneling your POP connection through SSH.

Preventing "piggyback" is a bit more difficult. MAC addresses can be
cloned, i.e. they can sniff your connection, get your MAC address and
connect whenever you're not connected. So if you're not using your
wireless connection, you may want to switch it off.

I run a wireless network at home. I treat the whole wireless segment as
an untrusted segment, i.e. same as the internet. I only allow outward
http/https from the wireless network out into the internet (via the
wireless router). For e-mail and usenet, I tunnel it through ssh. I have
a linux machine as an internal firewall protecting the other linux and
windows machines.  Downside is that Windows Networking/Samba is not
working (yet).

I am aware of the risks but d@mn it, I like the convenience of being
able to be online while in front of the TV, in the bedroom, in the yard,


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