On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 03:01:05PM +0100, Tomás García Ferrari wrote:
> Which should be the best approach to have an FTP server that checkes when
> some user upload a file an runs a process after that? Log checking? Adding
> this process to a cron job? Which way should I start searching...?

We use cron jobs here since it varies from user to user as to how often a
file may be updated - some we check every 5 minutes and others only once or
twice per day.

When you check for new files being dropped into a directory, you should
do a double-check with lsof to see if the file is still open or you could be
trying to process a file that is still in transit.

My approach is based on the following rough perl code (these are just snippets
so you'll need to incorporate them into your own procedure):

my $local="[the download directory]";
my @files;
sub getfiles() {
        open(FILES,"find $local -type f |");
        while (my $t = <FILES>) {
                $files[@files] = $t;


foreach my $t (@files) {
        chomp ($t) ;
        if (system("lsof -Fn -- $local/* | grep -q \"n$t\"")) {
          [do stuff with $t];

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA

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