On 06:30 12 Feb 2002, rpjday <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|   specifically, i was looking at his collection of map! settings,
| which represent sequences of text or editing command available
| while in input mode in vi.
|   when i edited his .exrc file, here's how a small subset of
| those map! settings are displayed:
|   map! ^Z ^[:stop^M
|   map! ^V^[OA ^V^[ka
|   map! ^V^[OB ^V^[ja
| and so on.
|   i'm puzzled about the plethora of ^V characters i see displayed.
| i realize that ^V is used when i'm *creating* such a file, so that
| i can literally add characters such as a CR, the ESC key and so on.
| when i tested creating my own small .exrc, i used ^V to add those
| special characters, but when i edit my own .exrc, i don't see all
| of the ^V characters, and i don't expect to, since they were used
| only to facilitate the insertion of *other* characters.
|   so my question is, is there a reason tom might have all of these
| ^V's embedded in his .exrc file -- some subtle variation of which
| i am unaware.  my .exrc seems to work fine the way i've built it.
| anyone have any hints?

The ^V is also the map quote character. Tom will have typed three ^Vs to get
^V^[ into his macro - two for the ^v and one for the ^[.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/

The mountains will always be there, the trick is to make sure you are too.
        - Don Whilans
This predates Whillans as it is used in the rec.back DW FAQ.
There it is attributed to Hervey Voge.  It probably predates Hervey.
        - eugene miya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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