

One of the many dangers asking Linux people windows questions.

Depending on the version of windows you should have the ability to 
filter out ports through your network control panel applet.

In Windows NT/2000 for example select "TCP/IP PROTOCOL".  Select 
properties for it.  There should be a button labeled "Advanced".  From 
there there is a section in which you can filter out ports.  There are 
two options here basically.  You can open and allow all ports to go 
through or shut it down completely and allow only specific ports which 
you must populate.

Normally I run a firewall as was mentioned.  I hardly ever run a windows 
computer on the internet these days without a personal firewall of some 
kind (WINRoute is a good one I recommend).  You can download WINRoute 
from www.download.com I believe (or was that www.shareware.com).

Currently I'm upgrading my MCSE to windows 2000 (Need to say it sux with 
authority ok :grinz:).  There is a section under Administrator tools 
called "router access" or something like that which "should" also allow 

But again, it all depends on what version of windows you have.

Good Luck!


> At 09:31 AM 2/14/02 -0500, you wrote:
>> Boot from floppy. Run command "format c:\ "
> Um...like wouldn't that reformat my hard drive? Look, I don't have a 
> virus: I just want to control a program that's doing something I don't 
> like without having to remove the program. Now...could you imagine if 
> I'd actually followed your advice???
> So how do I REALLY do this?
> BenO

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