On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, Clifford Thurber wrote:

> Hello,
> I posted this below a couple of days ago and go no response I wondering if 
> anyone could give me some feedback:
> I recently recompiled my RedHat guiness release using the 2.2.20 source. I 
> am using a 3Com Ethernet card. I get the boot time message that " eth0 
> ethernet initialization delayed" of course when the machine comes up an 
> ifconfig only shows the lo interface. When I do a "cat /proc/pci" I see it 
> has found my ethernet card and reports it as a 3Com 3c905. No if i attempt 
> to do a insmod for etho which is aliased to 3c90x in /etc/modules.conf I 
> will get an error message about "invalid device paramerters", however if I 
> load the the 3c59x module the kernel will gladly install this module for me 
> and I can ifconfig the interface and get routing working etc. Now if I 
> alias this module in /etc/modules.conf and reboot I will still get an error 
> message at boot "delaying ethernet initialization." However once the system 
> is up I can once again insmod the module and configure the interface. I 
> have tried running "depomod -av" prior to the reboot but to no avail? I 
> know that kerneld is deprecated now so of course that is not running. I am 
> confused as to why I can load this module manualy but it won't load at 
> boot. Also there is a discrepancy between what /proc/pci sees as my NIC and 
> the module that actually works? Can someone help me out here? I also have 
> tried playing around with PnP in kernel builds and in the BIOS itself but 
> still no go. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Lastly I tried 
> building a monolithic kernel too with the appropriate driver and that gets 
> nowwhere either.

Based on what Dave, and Dave, and you have said, the 3c90x reference in 
modules.conf is wrong and probably should be 3c59x.  If that's not it, 
then the next thing I'd suspect that the "IO" and "IRQ" in modules.conf 
are incorrect.  If what you do by hand, "insmod 3c59x", is not matched by 
system configs, for sure nothing will work right.

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