On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 06:08:56PM -0800, David Talkington wrote:
> Ben Logan wrote:
> >That's what I do.  I use sudo for the few things that I want everyone
> >else (in my family) to be able to use but that require root access.
> >For example, burning CDs 
> Even that's not necessary, if you're willing to make cdrecord suid-0.  

True, but I think sudo is generally considered safer.  It was also
easier to just make the cd-burning tools available through sudo than
to follow X-CDRoast's instructions in making everything suid. 
(IOW, I'm lazy. :)

I wrote a shell script wrapper that makes it easier to get the
pictures off our camera using gphoto2 (I really prefer the CLI to a
GUI).  Since you can't set a shell script suid-0, sudo lets me allow
other trusted users to get the pictures without everyone having to
know the root password.


Ben Logan: ben at wblogan dot net
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