thanks that solved the problem

permissions were:
    -rwx------    1 root     root        46224 Aug 28 13:16

but how did it happen i never entered the /lib dirctory as root

bye the way i am running squirrelmail as webmail and i have observed
that some of my squirrelmail users became owners of some randomly
choosen files in /bin and /usr/bin. i cannot doubt these users and
they do not have shell access.

> On 12:54 23 Feb 2002, Rupendra Singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | when running some programs from a user other than root my
> system | gives this error. this has happened all of a sudden and
> i dont know | what has gone wrong.
> |
> | [roop@main root]$ps
> | ps: error while loading shared libraries:
> cannot | open shared object file: No such file or directory
> Sounds like the permissions on /lib/ have become
> mangled. Go:
>       ls -ld /lib/
> It should look like this:
>    -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        46224 Aug 28 13:16
>    /lib/
> (I have a slightly newer release than you). Basicly, there should
> be read (r) and execute (x) permissions for all three permission
> groups.
> First fix that, if that's what's wrong.
> Then try to figure out what happened - permissions don't just
> "decay". Have you perhaps been mucking around near that directory
> as root?
> Also check that everything is ok compared to how the RPM database
> thinks it should be. For example, here's what I did for this
> email:
>       [~/lnc]amadeus*> locate
>       /lib/
> That told me where the library was.
>       [~/lnc]amadeus*> L `!!`
>       L `locate`
>       -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        46224 Aug 28 13:16
>       /lib/
> Checks the permissions.
>       [~/lnc]amadeus*> rpm -qf !$
>       rpm -qf `locate`
>       procps-2.0.7-11
> This tells me that the library comes from the procps RPM package.
>       [~/lnc]amadeus*> rpm --verify procps
>       [~/lnc]amadeus*>
> This checks the procps package against what is actually
> installed. As you can see, it made no complaints, so my system is
> ok in this regard.
> You can check your whole system this way:
>       rpm --verify -a
> See "man 8 rpm" for an explaination of what the output means;
> it's a big manual entry, so search for "VERIFY OPTIONS". Also,
> expect some differences.
> Cheers,
> --
> Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament],
> 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures,
> will  the right answers come out?'  I am not able rightly to
> apprehend the  kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such
> a question.
>       - Babbage
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 Rupendra Singh
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