I think it would be great to know how to copy-inhibit files, if anything just 
for the sake of knowledge.  With Novell servers, you can copy-inhibit files, 
which is great to help protect files installed on the network.  

On Saturday 23 February 2002 05:46 pm, you wrote:
> On 23:09 23 Feb 2002, Lewi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 10:58:59AM -0500, rpjday wrote:
> | > On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Lewi wrote:
> | > > it that possible to restrict file to not able be copying but still
> | > > can be see the contents.
> | >
> | > not likely, since if someone can list the contents, they can always
> | > just redirect the output to a destination file of their choice.
> |
> | i think so too, but just an idea if that possible if just restrict cp
> | command to read file.
> What good would such a thing achieve?
> | just a homework from my master :)
> Just tell him "no". I guess you _could_ hack the cp source to implement
> some totally arbitrary restriction. Not very productive. Or you could make
> the file genuinely not publicly readable and owned by a particular user,
> and then put a setuid or setgid command somewhere to access it.
> Cheers,

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