Mohammed Maeraj Hasbi wrote:

> I have been asked to do training on configuring and administrating Linux for
> my company. Is there any link that's useful for me to check. I'm in the
> process of aquiring some info for it... Any pointers and tips on what to
> include?

If you're tasked with doing the training yourself, start with the curriculum
listed at the Linux vendors web sites for their courses.  Use that to build
around, topic by topic.  Note that a "recent issues from the mailing lists"
chapter is usually quite useful.

Depending on the circumstances of your company it may be more appropriate to
hire an instructor to come in and teach a large number of staff at the same
time.  The benefit of this approach is that your staff will be ready for Linux
more quickly, and that the class can be tuned for your particular requirements.
If the people you are concerned with training for Linux admininstration are at
remote sites, it will also help weld them into a coherent team.  If you have the
right number of people, it can be less expensive as well.


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