Kind of at a loss on where to look.  RH72 systems trying to install the perl
module Net::SSH::Perl with little success.  Don't really know where to turn
for help after scouring cpan site.  Anyone have any suggestions one a place
to turn for information.  What is happening is while trying to install the
module using perl -MCPAN shell and then install Net::SSH::Perl a very very
long process begins.  I've isolated a slow part of the process to when the
dependency (of course after it's sub dependencies are installed) of
Math::Pari is made and then during testing it gets to a point where it seems
to stop, but having left it overnight... some 12 hours it got a little

I went through the process of trying to manually install each of the
dependant modules (there is like 25 of them) and everything goes along
pretty good until I get to the 7th one (Math::Pari) which makes fine, but
the test of it gets to a certain point and slows, so I just skipped the test
and installed it.  Again every module just loads up fine until module 20
(Crypt::Primes) which builds fine but then fails each and every test.
Seeing it is a dependency of Crypt::RSA the testing of it fails.  

Hope that is descriptive enough.  Anyone know more about this than me please
chime on in.

Wish I had an rpm that had with all perl modules in it...

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