On 27 Feb 2002, Jeff Bearer wrote:

> I can't help but notice that this announcement carefully omits the fact
> that the final release won't be available for free download (according
> to the article I've linked).  Of course you will be able to put pieces
> together to get a similar product, but you have to buy Red Hat Advanced
> Server if you want all the pieces in a bundled together.
> I'm not knocking Red Hat, just stating that if somebody has the
> impression that these features will be a part of RH 7.3 or 8.0 they may
> be a disappointed
> CNET:  Red Hat to offer high-end Linux version
> http://news.com.com/2100-1001-823736.html

This is indeed for the Advanced Server edition.

>From the CNET article, the key is that an ISO won't be available publicly. 
That doesn't necessarily mean the product license will be any different, 
but it does imply one would have to buy a box set to get the CDs. The 
question is does the rest fall under GPL, meaning does purchasing a box 
set a) include all the source b) allow installation to any number of PCs.

In theory, if the thing is GPL, I should be able to buy one box set and 
distribute an ISO image made from said CDs. Of course, I couldn't all 
it Red Hat due to trademark infringement. But, IANAL, so who knows. :)

I think it is VERY important Red Hat be very clear about this, especially
when asking the public to Beta test AND bug report on the thing. I looked
on the pensacola list, the question about the ISO has been raised and not
answered at this time. 

Red Hat, now is the time to show your true colors.  Be honest and tell the
truth, don't try to hide it by omission.

Bill Carlson
Systems Programmer    [EMAIL PROTECTED]         | Anything is possible,
Virtual Hospital      http://www.vh.org/      | given time and money.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics      |       
Opinions are mine, not my employer's.         | 

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