you do _not_ want to assign ethernet addresses
what you want is to assign IP addresses

the standard configuration in your case is to set the machine which has the
internet connection as a gateway for the home lan. it will get one (and
only one) public ip address from the provider through the wan connection
(adsl, modem, ...)

you will assign private ip addresses to your home computers (even one on
the gateway machine for its lan connection), those won't be seen from outside.

usually you'll set addresses in the 192.168.1 network, ie : for
the gateway, for the first client, and so on

the client machines will not be reachable directly from outside, but
conversely each individually will be able to reach any publicly addressed
machine outside. for example your w98 will be able to telnet or ftp any
outside server, where as even if you set up your w98 machine as ftp or
telnet server (oops :-) better try that with the rh client machine),
machines from outside won't be able to connect to it

to configure your internet connected machine as a gateway there's a lot of
documentation on the web, depending on the services you want to provide.
the faster is to activate masquerading.


A 13:02 01/03/02 +0900, vous avez écrit :
>I'm planning to set up a home Ethernet of three computers.  I'd like to set
>it up so all three users can surf the net and receive individual emails.  I
>plan to have two machines using red hat 7.2, (one will have an internet
>connection and be the web, print and mail server for the network)  and
>another with windows 98.  I've been reading about assigning addresses and am
>still a little confused.  Do I assign the addresses myself based on my
>internet providers' address (class A,B, or C) or can I assign any name
>(number) I like.   Or do I ask the provider to set that up.  Any advice
>would be welcome.

                        - * - * - * - * - * - * -
Bien sûr que je suis perfectionniste !
Mais ne pourrais-je pas l'être mieux ?
        Thierry ITTY
eMail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]               FRANCE

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