On Thu, 2002-03-07 at 00:14, Billy R Nordyke wrote:
> Hi,
> Was trying to get a driver for Rage Fury Pro 128 with 32 MB.  Was using a
> number 9 card so I could get the update for X that I thought would work. 
> Got a driver for Rage Fury Pro  PH (?) and it didn't work.  Tried to get
> the Number 9 card going again and now I have a magnified desktop that is
> only half the monitor screen.  Can't figure how to get back to a login
> without X so I can change the runlevel to 3.  

ctl-alt-F[123456] should place you in a virtual terminal with a login
prompt. alt-f7 to get back to your x.  if you want to boot to runlevel 3
you need to change the default runlevel in /etc/inittab from 5 to  3

That's question Number 1. 
> Number 2  question, is there a driver for Ati Rage Fury Pro 128 in the
> new XFree86?

Yes. Check out.

I have had good luck with Xconfigurator setting up ati cards.  how are
you setting up yours?


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